
YouTube - İşləyir | Twitch - İşləyir
Bəyənmələr, Baxışlar, abunəçilər - İşləyir
Facebook Gaming - İşləyir | VK Play Live, Dlive, Kick, WASD - İşləyir
Sifariş problemləri? Söhbət yazın
Siz lazımdır 10 000 - 100 000 tamaşaçı? Teleqram admin - @TiKey_K
Qeydiyyat və bonuslar almaq
Servis Partnyoru ol - istinad
Referral sistemi - istinad

Main news

Hello everyone, let's list the main news and updates:
1. YouTube. The views section has been updated, packages and quick views for the stream have appeared. Quality services are at the top of the list.
We have automated individual tariffs, and we plan to expand them. I remind you that you can collect any tariff you need through the support chat.
Updated the live and stable viewers section. Added viewers with retention and from search.
We plan to expand the packages of the YouTuber and hardplay lines, adding viewers with retention and with search to them.
2. Twitch. Added fluctuation stable viewers (5-35%).
3. Tick current. Updated the section and subscribers after its update. Quality services are at the top of the list.
4. Instagram. Updated the section. Quality services are at the top of the list.
5. Discord. Updated the section, reduced prices by 2-3 times and added Russian nicknames for participants.
6. Vkontakte. Updated the section. Quality services are at the top of the list.

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