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To upload baby photos to Instagram or not

When a long-awaited child is born, mommy is overwhelmed with various emotions. I'd like to share my joy with the whole world. And here there are already different stumbling blocks. Young parents seemed to be divided into 3 camps.

Some mothers believe that it is imperative to post at least a few photos with the toddler, to boast in front of family and friends. Other mothers believe that there are a lot of evil people on the network and the baby is sure to be jinxed.

 There is a third type of mothers who do not post anything on the network related to motherhood. Which one is right?

Post a photo without your own child's consent

In fact, there are many consequences. Starting from the banal discontent of a child who will grow up sooner or later, ending with other troubles:

1. Information about your child's hobbies can be used by criminals.

Many parents like to talk about which sections and circles their children attend, share photos from classes, competitions and contests. Especially if the child won a prize. But if you post such pictures, it is better to make the account private. After all, knowing information about the hobbies of children, some subjects can get into their trust. And if the child has pages on social networks, the offender can establish an acquaintance with him on the Internet, starting a dialogue with the fact that he is also interested, for example, in football or ballet.

2. Criminals can easily track the location (and route) of the child by geolocation in the images.

You should not publish data about the places where the child often spends time. For example, about his school, sports section or playground. Having learned the address, the offender can build a route for the child's movement or, for example, come and pick him up, posing as a friend of the family.

Many social experiments were carried out when video bloggers disguised as maniacs tried to win the trust of children and take them away from the playground. They approached the parents and warned them about the experiment, while the parents were sure that their child knew how to behave in such situations. They assured the film crew that conversations on this topic were constantly held in their family, but then they watched in amazement as, after a few minutes of conversation with the "maniac", most of the children agreed to leave with him in an unknown direction.

3. Scammers can use your sad child's photo to collect money

According to research by Deborah Small, a marketing professor at the Wharton School of Business (USA), we are more willing to donate money to a specific person than, for example, to a charitable organization. She argues that in order for fundraising to be successful, you need to appeal to the heart, not to the head of the people.

This, unfortunately, is often used by scammers. They find pictures of sad or crying children on the pages of their parents and collect money "for treatment."

These are all arguments in favor of not posting a photo of the child in your account.

Crazy content

Some people may be annoyed by the fact that you spread your child, covering his face with a bunny. And other children's stickers. Perhaps this is how they make fun of those who believe in the evil eye. DO NOT CREATE THIS CONTENT, especially if you do not want to receive negative comments in your address.

Progressive moms

Such moms are not at all averse to uploading a few photos with their son or daughter to their account. Only they try to do it beautifully. For example, in a park, in an ice cream parlor and other places where the child is really interesting and pleasant to photograph.

You should not post those pictures where the baby is completely naked. Better leave it for the family. These pictures are considered to be the most personal. Post a joyful, well-dressed toddler.

Only such photos will arouse genuine interest and joy among the inhabitants of Instagram!