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Instagram hashtags

Currently, there are many ways to promote your account, your publications. So, one of the free ways to promote is hashtags. Well-chosen, relevant words after the hash is a real powerful marketing tool.

Why is it important to put hashtags?

If you take a walk on Instagram for a while, studying other people's profiles, you will notice that many do not use hashtags. These people obviously do not understand why they are needed. Probably many people think that this is just a nice addition to the lettering. However, it is a powerful tool to promote your entry or specific post if it is tailored to the topic. Many, especially mothers with many children, love to sin by putting non-existent hashtags. And then they get upset why they are not given the cherished thumbs up.

What will happen if you do not put down hashtags

If you do not deal with hashtags, this will lead to the fact that your posts will not be displayed in the instagram search engine. And most of the requests are found just by hashtags. Therefore, if your post does not have enough hashtags, then few users will see it. Which in turn will lead to a low number of likes, comments and subscriptions.

How to choose hashtags to get a lot of likes?

Few people offhand can come up with a large number of hashtags that would be suitable for a post. But there is one effective way that will not only save your time but also help to correctly design the post. To do this, you can use any search engine and type there “hashtags for….” and type what you need. For example “hashtag for the sea”. Next, open the second or first link. There will be hashtags. Ready. All that remains is to copy and edit them for a more literate, professional look.

Why not use all the hashtags in a row?

For example, suppose you have an entry about a guinea pig. Have you come across hashtags about degus, parrots, etc. They should be removed without any pity. And why? Because most people do not really like it when hashtags are irrelevant and will definitely not like such a mess.

It is worth making sure that the hashtags are consistent with the topic of the post. This will help increase the loyalty of your visitors. And get the coveted like.