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How and where to find a person by photo

Today's technology has gone too far. Now it will not be difficult to find a person, even if you only have a photograph of him. To do this, there are various ways through which it will turn out to find the person you like.

Yandex and google pictures - find a person by photo

The first and most obvious thought is to search for a person using search engines. It should be noted that this is done quite simply. Here's a step-by-step guide for those who have never searched for images using search engine data:

1. Open a search engine.

2. Open image search.

3. Click on the translucent picture of the camera. All photos on the device will open. Choose the one you want.

4. Search engines will find the most similar photographs. You need to look at the link below the photo. This should be the social media page of the person you are looking for. However, the possibility cannot be ruled out that the stranger does not use social media. Then the task becomes more difficult.

If you can't find a person in this way, we recommend trying other methods.

Search by photo from phone - online

Mobile browsers are programs with stripped down capabilities. In mobile Chrome, image search is almost impossible. The only option is to select "Version for PC" in the settings of the mobile browser, on the right, in the upper corner.

Searching by photo in Yandex and Google from a phone is almost identical on a PC, the procedure is described in detail above.

Search4faces service for searching by photo

Thanks to the development of neural networks and modern technologies, it has become possible to search for a person simply by photograph. Special services have been developed. By uploading a photo of the person you are looking for, you can get links to social media pages. networks. This is VKontakte and classmates. Instagram is still under development.

Findclone. https://findclone.ru

Quality service with payment. Nevertheless, the money spent is worth it, because the search is carried out across the entire VKontakte database. There is a trial mode.

PimEyes. https://pimeyes.com/en

A paid service that allows you to search for a person not only on the VK social network. But also all over the Internet. After all, at least somewhere, yes, a man left his mark. Fortunately, the service has a free demo mode.

VK.watch. https://vk.watch

According to the developers, vk.watch has the largest archive of historical data on their social network "VKontakte"

vk.watch is free.

Search4faces. https://search4faces.com

The service uses photos of their social networks Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki to search.

Search4faces is free.

Face-tracker from Bitrix24. https://www.bitrix24.ru/about/faceid.php

This is a rather complicated and paid way of using a photo search service created by NtechLab and Bitrix24. Remember also this Findface, which has not been working for a long time, and so NtechLab was implemented with Bitrix24.

To use it, you will have to create a portal, throw some money there, screw some kind of program for emulating a webcam. In general, you will have to tinker, so try it last.

As you can see, modern technologies have made great strides forward. If earlier, with only a photograph, you could sigh sadly, now you can try your luck. Perhaps it is for you that neural networks will help you find your soul mate or find a friend in a photo!

How to prepare a photo for search

If you want to get the most positive result possible, we recommend that you try a little and prepare a photo. Consider it carefully. If there is a lot of background in the photo, there are other people - it may be worth taking a little time and removing unnecessary objects. Ideally, only the desired person should remain in the photo.

How to remove unnecessary background from a photo

Nowadays, most modern smartphones have their own built-in photo editor. And right there you can remove the extra background. For example, an extra park on the left or right will only interfere. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to remove it using the CROP tool. On android, this action is very simple. Here's what to do:

Open the desired photo on your phone.

Select the item to edit.

There will be a crop button.

Select this tool and look at the area that needs to be cropped.

Select, crop. Everything. Our photo is ready.

Of course, the initial quality of your photo decides a lot.

It is advisable to use the auto-improvement function. This will help eliminate minor interference, noise. In other words, to make the result of your searches more accurate.

If the person could not be found by our methods or he simply is not in social networks, you can turn to a private detective for help. Only it will be very, very expensive!

Removing strangers from a photo is possible only with the use of special mobile applications.