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How to protect yourself from bullying in social networks

Many people believe that bullying occurs exclusively in adolescents and exclusively in school. But this is absolutely not the case. In fact, adults are also bullied, it just doesn't have such a big emphasis. And therefore there is a feeling that only schoolchildren are being bullied. Moreover, elementary school students. After all, they are not yet able to stand up for themselves, to give a worthy rebuff. How to avoid bullying at least in the virtual space?

Make your page as inconspicuous as possible

Strange advice, but it works quite well. In this way, all risks can be reduced. You can give a simple example and say that people are very angry now, they are ready to get zait just for a non-standard hair color. Such a case, by the way, really happened - with a teacher who, as a teenager, loved to experiment on herself. All zaiteli young teacher and only a couple of students supported her. And all because they are teenagers and understood her perfectly. So, if you work with people - carefully filter what you will post on your page. Perhaps some of the posts will annoy your visitors.

What to put on your avatar to avoid bullying in social networks

In order to avoid bullying, try to put on your avatar, for example, a cartoon character that looks like you. Or just a colored square. Some go further and don't play anything at all. Of course, you can take such a photo as a passport. But if the hairstyle is still visible there, it is better not to do it.

What not to post if you work with people on social media

It is definitely not worth posting photos like you spent the weekend with your friends. You can post - a cozy photo with a book, if you are a teacher. Cake recipe and many other nice, cute things. If you really want to, you can create a fake page that your students will not know about. And there to lay out everything that you want so much. But don't put a real photo on your profile picture. In this case, they will immediately figure out and, as in a conflict with that teacher, they will simply simply be fired. Agree, it's silly to lose your job because of a fun Friday night.

What is also not worth posting on your page in social networks

As mentioned above, working with people requires not only a responsible attitude towards yourself, but also towards your social networks, you should not repost the following content:




Many contests for reposts (as a rule, it is unrealistic to win there)

All of this can alienate students. Think a hundred times before you post something.