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How to make a 2K stream - quality

Every streamer wants to conduct their broadcasts in the highest possible quality. Unfortunately, this is not always possible. Especially if you decide to stream through the twitch system. Unfortunately, this site imposes certain restrictions on streamers. And there is a reason for this - there are a lot of users, and the resources of this site are quite limited.

How do I improve the quality of my Twitch video?

In order to significantly improve the quality of broadcasts, you can become a partner on Twitch. The Twitch Affiliate Program is a program that supports streamers so they can do what they love. With its worldwide availability, this program allows streamers to start earning through subscriptions and earn money by selling games or game items in the market.

Thus, everyone who develops games can automatically receive not only a higher quality video, but also a number of other buns that will undoubtedly come in handy for every streamer on the Twitch platform.

What about those who cannot or do not want to become Twitch partners?

The challenge is changing - we want to know how to adjust the quality of the stream on Twitch and how to get the required number of viewers.

● To begin with, the exact number of viewers is constantly changing and depends on the broadcasts;

● The approximate number that you can focus on is an average of 10-15 viewers in each online broadcast;

● You will have to broadcast more often - otherwise you won't be able to get statistics.

You've learned how to lower the quality of your Twitch stream - you'll have to wait and try! Be interesting to the audience, collect a large number of users online: you can! Then new options will open, which will allow you to attract even more new subscribers!

Such is the incentive for bloggers to go on the air more often and delight viewers with high-quality broadcasts. Only then will your rating rise on this platform. So, 2 options - either become a partner, or try, spread a variety of stream.

So that the efforts are not in vain ...

It so happens that the user seems to have finally received all the necessary rights and accesses. And the computer began to lag this constantly. If you have set yourself a goal - to get high quality video stream on the stream, do this in advance:

Update the hardware on your computer.

Abgate monitor.

Carry out diagnostics of iron, if necessary, blow out the computer from dust.

Thus, by performing timely prevention, you can achieve amazing results.