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How to start a broadcast or stream in Telegram

Telegram has the ability to enable video chat and set up streaming without restrictions on the number of participants, with the ability to record video.

Who can use the online broadcast in Telegram

Broadcasting in Telegram is a great tool for streaming, classes and conferences online. It is an alternative to Zoom, Skype and other similar platforms.
Why you can use telegram broadcasting:
For work. Many companies have Telegram chats for employees, they can arrange planning meetings to discuss tasks live.
For study. Online schools are very popular now. You can also arrange seminars, lectures or online classes in telegram. The Screen Sharing feature will allow you to show presentations and more.
Bloggers and experts. Live broadcasts in groups and channels will help you get closer to your audience, chat, etc.

How to start a live broadcast in Telegram

Only a channel or group administrator can create a broadcast. Must have at least 2 subscribers.
It is important to understand that the functionality of broadcasting in a group differs from broadcasting on a channel. In the group, the live broadcast is called “Video Chat”, the participants can raise their hand and chat. You can only be a spectator on the channel.
First of all, you need to create a channel or group, gain subscribers, then start broadcasting.
Click on the "Broadcast" or "Video Chat" button in the profile menu.
To start broadcasting now, click on “Start Broadcasting” or “Announce Broadcasting”. The second option is needed to announce the scheduled broadcast. The maximum period is up to 7 days.
Specify the name of the broadcast. Next, you need to choose what to broadcast, video from the main or front camera, the device screen, or all at once.
To get the best sound quality, adjust the noise reduction in the settings.
Send an invitation link to other members through "Settings".
Set up "Participant rights" in the video chat if you want to disable the microphone for new participants.
Record the broadcast in Telegram as a video or audio file. It will be saved in "Favorites". The link can be sent to a group or channel, subscribers will be able to watch or listen to the recording.
In groups, participants can communicate after permission from the administrator, for this you need to “raise your hand”.
If comments on posts are disabled on the channel, then viewers will not be able to communicate with the speaker. To fix it, you need to set up comments for broadcasts in Telegram.

How to stream on multiple platforms, including Telegram

Streamers often broadcast on multiple platforms at once.
To do this, you need to use third-party services. For stable work, you need to install OBS Studio, as well as use the SMMplanner service for restreaming. Through SMMplanner, you can broadcast a broadcast to several social networks at the same time, but this service is paid. Prices can be found on the website of the service.

Adding channels to SMMplanner

You need to follow the link to enter the streaming, add a new broadcast, write a name and specify the type: direct or delayed. Click "Create broadcast", click on its name and select "Add channel".
Next, connect YouTube to the service. To do this, go to the channel, click "Camera" in the upper right corner - "Start broadcasting". Add a title and description, select an access type, and more. Click "Create Broadcast", get URL and stream key. Add data to the RTMP section in SMMplanner.
We connect the VKontakte account to SMMplanner:
You should go to the community from where the broadcast will be conducted. In the video section, click "Create Live". Add a cover, title, and fill in other information. Copy the stream URL and key, go to SMMplanner, add a new channel, write a title and paste the data into the RTMP section of SMMplanner.
To connect a telegram channel to SMMplanner, select Telegram in the "Accounts" section and follow the instructions to create a bot.
How to start a scheduled online broadcast in Telegram
Schedule a post with a link to a video broadcast in Telegram. To do this, go to the “Posts” section, add an intro, text, a link to a stream on YouTube or VKontakte, specify the posting time and specify the telegram channel.
Next, to start broadcasting on all necessary sites, you need to configure OBS.
In the general settings section, select the language, theme color, set the confirmation window for starting and stopping the stream.
In the “Output” section, specify the bitrate value (the higher it is, the better the picture will be), taking into account the speed of the Internet. Set the video recording parameters and where it should be saved.
Set the settings in the “Audio” section.
Check the video resolution (in the Video section) to match the resolution of your device.
In the “Broadcast” section, go to “Custom Service”, then go to SMMplanner and start broadcasting, copy the URL and stream key, paste the data into OBS and save the changes.
In the OBS main menu, you need to create a scene, choose what to show: capture the entire screen or the browser. Add a video capture device if you want to be seen during the broadcast.
When everything is set up, click “Start Broadcasting” and go live.
To end the broadcast, click "Stop" in OBS Studio, then in SMMplanner. Links with the recording of the stream will remain in social networks.

How to broadcast in Telegram for beginners

Streaming is always a risk, especially for beginners. Serious mistakes should not be made here, since they cannot be corrected. The streamer needs to have the skills to multitask and quickly respond to everything that happens. But this experience does not come immediately.
If you want to release a good product right away, prepare before going live.
The streamer should always have backup cords, connectors, cameras and other paraphernalia that can suddenly fail. Thus, you do not have to stop the broadcast in case of a minor breakdown.
Prepare for streaming in advance, charge your batteries, keep a power bank nearby in case of a long stream.
Organize your workplace so that you feel comfortable and have everything you need at hand.
Before starting the broadcast, check the speed of the Internet.
If you are going to broadcast from a laptop in hot weather, then place it in a cool place in advance.
If the shooting takes place on the street, you should consider the locations and lighting so that the picture is beautiful.
Background noise should be as low as possible, for this it is better to use good noise-canceling headphones.
It is better to choose clothes for broadcasts in one color.

How to prepare for the first broadcast and how to behave:

Make a live broadcast announcement. It is better to announce the upcoming stream a week in advance, then remind you a day, an hour and even 5 minutes before the start.
Rehearse the stream if possible.
Make a broadcast plan that will be in front of your eyes, write down key points in it.
Be natural and confident.
Try to stream more often.
If possible, form a team. Go on the air together, it will be more fun and mentally easier.
Don't strive for perfection, even the most experienced streamers have made mistakes once, but this did not stop them from achieving success.

Video chat in Telegram: pros and cons

Video chats and broadcasts are absolutely free;
There is no limit on the number of participants;
Can be run from any device;
It is possible to announce the broadcast;
You can save the recording of the broadcast to your phone or upload it to a channel, to the community.
Support for restreaming using third-party services.
Only Telegram users can attend the broadcast;
The recording may be of poor quality;
The functionality is still not enough for professional streamers.