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Who is a video blogger?

How do bloggers make money and what do they shoot?

Each of us has watched any video host at least once. It doesn't matter for what purpose - entertaining, cognitive, educational. Or maybe just a video with cats. If you have a channel with at least a hundred subscribers, you can already be called a video blogger. Video bloggers are shooting high-quality, useful or entertaining content.

They also ask their viewers to like and subscribe to the channel. Particularly assertive ones even remind of reposting on social networks to their dear and beloved viewers.

Do bloggers need a specific topic or can they shoot about everything?

Each blogger decides this question for himself - to shoot exclusively on a specific topic - for example, abandoned or culinary recipes.

Or shoot about everything? This issue can affect the audience, the design of the channel. Before starting your channel, be sure to consider this point. In the event that a decision has been made to conduct a channel on a certain topic, you should not abruptly change it to another. The audience may not like it.

What do you need for a quality video blog?

In order for the picture in the video to be pleasant, it is important to take care of several points:

Nice looking background. It seems that the audience will not be very pleased to watch the video, made against the background of an uncleaned room, or a room with an old renovation, scattered toys and the like.

Lively, juicy picture. In this case, you should take care of a high-quality camera in your phone or a good video camera. High-quality lighting in the room plays an important role.

Nice voice, polite presenter - be sure to say hello to your subscribers. Speak calmly, but not like a sleepy fly. Too noisy bloggers are popular with few people.

How do bloggers make money?

Once you have a fairly large number of subscribers on your channel, you can start making money on your blog. If you decide to register on YouTube, then you will need to provide your documents there before presenting you with the opportunity to earn money.

Many large bloggers advertise affiliate products through their channel. They are paid either a good monetary fee for this, or special gifts are prepared for them in gratitude for their cooperation.

If desired, bloggers can stream, and during streams, viewers can transfer money to their idol, the so-called donuts. The funds will go both to the owner of the channel personally and to various needs for good shooting.

Let's summarize

Why blogging in general? As an option - for the soul, he will share beautiful photos, his life, joy with other people. Someone - purely in order to collect donations from subscribers. It is everyone's personal choice - how to use YouTube.

The main thing is not to break the rules of the chosen site. Only in this case everything will be fine.