부스트 서비스 작업 24/7

SP news for 5 months

Good day, there is a lot of good news: YouTube: The main news is the introduction of viewer services for YouTube streaming with generation of views with a large retention of 7+ minutes. Link In a couple of days, we will introduce views for streaming and videos on YouTube. The sources and geo will be different. Most of it is live purchase traffic at minimal prices. The services are stable. Yes, YouTube in Russia has started to slow down on PC. Let's hope they don't block it. Create backup sites on twitch, vk play, zen, youtube and others... Twitch: A variety of viewing sources for the stream have been introduced - recommendations, home page, and more. It diversifies statistics for reports and promotion. Previously, all sources were outside of Twitch - external. Our viewers began to participate in surveys. Raids work, but sometimes there are rare failures - contact technical support. The viewers work for kik, but if you have problems with undercooling, contact support. New services have been introduced: Aparat, FlexTv Nuum(exWASD) prices have been reduced - the platform has actively launched an advertising campaign. Reduced prices for Dzen views Reduced prices for YAPPY views Africa TV and Probably a maximum of 200 If you are a major reseller or buyer, you can get a big discount on our services. Contact support.

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SP news for 5 months

Good day, there is a lot of good news: YouTube: The main news is the introduction of viewer services for YouTube streaming with generation of view..
