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  • Mmeghachi omume Telegram [👍 🙏 | 1 Mbipute | Ngwa ngwa mmalite | 10K/D | Enwere ike ide akwụkwọ | Enweghị nkwa]
Ọmụmaatụ njikọ:**
Malite: 0-2 awa
Ọsọ: Ruo 10000 kwa ụbọchị
Nkwa: Mba
Edemede: enwere ike
Ọwa ahụ ga-emegherịrị.
Enweghị nkwụghachi ma ọ bụrụ na ejiri njikọ ezighi ezi.

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Mmeghachi omume Telegram [👍 🙏 | 1 Mbipute | Ngwa ngwa mmalite | 10K/D | Enwere ike ide akwụkwọ | Enweghị nkwa]

  • Availability: In Stock
  • ID - 32114
  • 0.008$ (1000 = 7.99$ )

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Ntị! Telegram nwere oke mmeghachi omume 11 dị iche iche na post.
Tupu ịtụ, hụ na mmeghachi omume ị na-enye iwu dị na ọwa.
Ọ bụrụ na emezughị ọnọdụ ndị ahụ, a gaghị eweghachi ego.
Ọwa ahụ ga-emegherịrị.
This product has a minimum quantity of 20
This product has a maximum quantity of 2000000

Tags: telegram reactions, Telegram reactions, reactions telegram, TG reactions, reactions tg
