Ọmụmaatụ njikọ:
https://vk.com/*** - njikọ maka biputere
Njikọ ga-abụrịrị na post.
Malite: 0-1 elekere
Ọsọ: puku ise kwa ụbọchị
Nkwa: ụbọchị 30
Ọdịmma: Akaụntụ ogo dị ọkara
Ndobe: O kwere omume
Mmasị VK [Ọkara Ogo | Ngwa ngwa mmalite | Ọsọ ọsọ | Dobe ekwe omume | Nkwanye ụbọchị 30]
- Availability: In Stock
- ID - 129
0.0007$ (1000 = 0.65$ )
Available Options
This product has a minimum quantity of 10
This product has a maximum quantity of 15000
Tags: likes for VK, VK likes, vk.com likes, vk likes