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How to get to the top of recomendy and search YouTube

We are very often asked: How many viewers, followers, chat bots to display in the top?

Our response: all individually. Consider a situation, you have a new channel or the old, but dead. It may not throw from 1 to 7 days anywhere at all. It happens, called sandbox.

Way to wait(up to 7 days), or another channel. The problem is not in our wrap, we have a lot of positive feedback. Here is a screenshot of one of our clients, he has 2,000 subscribers alive.

3200 hits, 43% recommended. We are not the first on the market, we know what algorithms and doing it. Are there really viewers who give nothing. Why? They do not generate parameters that are not defined as alive.

Our audience:

1. With Your region.

2. Stable typically( -30%)

3. They have a history(cookies, a gmail account) that define them as a living person.

If you need tops, order a tariff youtuber or hard play, order of likes and views with the chat bots will be better than in the screenshot above.

If You have any questions - write in the chat. Good luck.

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