2000 viewers
2000 chat bots
Discrepancy up to +-30%
Bypass checks
Technical support
Full refund in case of technical failure
If phrases for chatbots are not attached when purchasing a service, the service will be without chatbots.
We do not guarantee against blocking
The minimum interval is 10-30 seconds
The maximum number of messages per 1 hour with a minimum interval of 300-360
Live Stream Views Kick.com [Viewers | Package | VHQ | 2000 viewers + 2000 chat bots | 1 Month]
- Availability: In Stock
- ID - 23219
2,336.2266$ (1000 = 2$ )
Available Options
Phrases are required for chatbots to work
We do not guarantee against blocking
The minimum interval is 10-30 seconds
The maximum number of messages per 1 hour with a minimum interval of 300-360
We do not guarantee against blocking
The minimum interval is 10-30 seconds
The maximum number of messages per 1 hour with a minimum interval of 300-360
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Tags: kick viewers, kick viewers, Kick viewers