
YouTube - Lucru | Twitch - Lucru
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Facebook Gaming - Lucru | VK Play Live, Dlive, Kick, WASD - Lucru
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Ai nevoie de 10 000 - 100 000 spectatori? Telegrama lui Admin - @TiKey_K
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Main news

Hello everyone, let's list the main news and updates:
1. YouTube. The views section has been updated, packages and quick views for the stream have appeared. Quality services are at the top of the list.
We have automated individual tariffs, and we plan to expand them. I remind you that you can collect any tariff you need through the support chat.
Updated the live and stable viewers section. Added viewers with retention and from search.
We plan to expand the packages of the YouTuber and hardplay lines, adding viewers with retention and with search to them.
2. Twitch. Added fluctuation stable viewers (5-35%).
3. Tick current. Updated the section and subscribers after its update. Quality services are at the top of the list.
4. Instagram. Updated the section. Quality services are at the top of the list.
5. Discord. Updated the section, reduced prices by 2-3 times and added Russian nicknames for participants.
6. Vkontakte. Updated the section. Quality services are at the top of the list.

Popular Articles


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Chat bots(fraze pentru ютуба)

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We publish news, discounts, sweepstakes in our Telegram channel and group.
Discord server
WhatsApp group
A reminder to the site user:
LQ - low quality
MQ - average quality
HQ - high quality
VHQ - very high quality
Hold - how long does the viewer watch the video or stream
Warranty - the period of order restoration in case of write-off and drops
Drop - Drop viewers, views, likes on a video or stream

Runs and Interval
The formula will be:
Quantity: 100
( Total orders to be sent): 7
(Break between each run, In minutes): 1440

As result, an Order of 100 Quantity, will be sent every 1440 minutes (24 hours), 7 times total.
This means You will get a total of 700 Visits in 7 Days. 100 Visits per day.
*quantity in cart(automated) = 700