Commercial service Stream-promotion is an original platform for boosting activity on a page or in a social network group. At the user's request, the following increases: the number of visits, views or reactions to the information provided. The technical capabilities of the service allow for the provision of vote boosting services on the CoinGecko platform.
What is CoinGecko
Licensed service CoinGecko - performs review functions of data on the movement of the market value of various types of cryptocurrencies. Provides a whole set of tools for price forecasting and fundamental analysis.
Additionally, users can find out:
Data on open source projects.
Information on key and news events that affect price formation.
A rating of tokens compiled by a robotic system based on the activity of their developers.
Unlike CoingGlass, news in CoinGecko is posted on the corresponding token page, which allows an investor or trader to make their own quick forecast.
There are several ways to increase interest in your own coin and make it popular:
Use reliable and official information in the description.
Interact with interested users and the target audience.
Regularly update news data.
Use forecasts of financial analysts.
Use CoinGecko advertising services.
Take an active part in rating competitions and promotions held on the platform.
Completing all of the listed activities will take quite a lot of time, but does not guarantee the achievement of the set goals. Interest in the new token will be minimal, which will naturally affect its market value and the final result - the profit of the coin creator.
What are the advantages of CoinGecko cheating and what does it give
Artificial cheating performed by specialists of the Stream-promotion service is an effective, proven method of attracting attention to a page with a token posted on it. Unfortunately, not all CoinGecko cryptocurrency can be technically promoted in this way. Information must be clarified in advance.
Comprehensive boosting of CoinGecko votes provides:
Guarantee of the coin's appearance in the quick search column by name or several letters from it.
Raising the token to the TOP list of the platform (from 15 minutes), which is compiled by a robotic system and is trustworthy among traders and investors.
The coin will become noticeable, and its first purchases will trigger a natural market reaction of price increase. Commercial boosting can be used together with your own promotion tools or separately. Use this method both for newly launched tokens and for maintaining the rating of active coins.
Why choose services from
By forming your own token rating on CoinGecko, the user can classify their assets by trading volume, cost and growth of the trading rate, as well as market capitalization. The popularity of this platform determines both the increased interest of investors and high competition among developers or token owners.
Quite often, the final decision to buy or invest in a certain denomination is made based on: inclusion in the TOP list and a high demand rating. These are the conditions that specialists are ready to fulfill.
For cooperation, it is enough to:
Go through a simplified registration procedure.
Activate the deposit by sending an electronic transfer of the amount planned in the promotion budget.
Select an SMM service - CoinGecko vote boosting with the required amount of activity.
Check the activation of the assigned task.
A qualified service support specialist will promptly resolve all organizational and technical issues that arise. Communication with the employee is carried out online through the site chat. The presence of our own servers and unique developments related to artificial promotion allows us to provide guarantees for the fulfillment of all obligations specified in the order conditions.
CoinGecko [Stars - Hozzáadás a portfólióhoz | Gyors kezdés | Leggyorsabb sebesség | Nincs csepp | Nincs garancia]
Refill: Nem | Cancel: Nem | Average time: 5-15 mins | Min:1000 Max:100000
LINK PÉLDA:***Kezdés: 0-1 óraSebesség: 50 000 napontaCsepp: Nincs cseppGarancia: Nincs garancia..
1000 = 55.56€