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Free promotion without tasks

Free promotion without tasks

Many services offer a free cheat service without tasks. Let's consider whether this is so and whether such a service has a place to be.

Arguments against

  1. Most often, free cheating implies the presence of something else mutually beneficial (although the benefit is in question here). Basically it is the performance of special tasks. You want a promotion on your account, and the service offers you to put likes, subscribe, view a post or video, etc. in response. You earn units of internal payment on this service and spend them on your promotion. At the same time, the service also offers paid services, receiving money from those who do not want to complete tasks. There is a difference between the price of payment for tasks to you and the price for your cheating, which is not in your favor. This service makes money. This immediately raises the question - if the cheat will be issued to you simply upon registration and a) without paying the service and b) without completing tasks, then what benefit does the service receive? That's right, none. Have you heard a lot about altruists who do something at a loss to themselves in the world of promoting social networks or websites? We are sure not. Therefore, there is no completely free promotion without completing tasks. More often it is either a scam or just a beautiful sign. Why was it made? Simply because the request for such an unrealistic service is huge from people who do not want to pay or do tasks.
  2. Completely free - it's not even cheap. Have you heard another saying that cheap does not mean good? She works like never before. To ensure high-quality cheating, you need time, your own servers, a staff of specialists who will provide technical support, user support, monitor changes in the security algorithms of social networks and search engines. They also have to pay. And if the service does not receive a profit, then due to what it should carry out the minimum useful activity. So in theory, even if such services exist, they work very badly and, as a result, you will be pessimized or banned.
  3. Well, what should such services earn on (if they exist)? Logically - on your data, stealing your passwords, hacking. What will be done under your accounts and what activities you can do on your own. Another option is to download free software to your device and catch a virus, trojan, spyware or miner. Another way to make money from you. Think - is this an adequate price for cheating? Taking into account the fact that cheating may simply not take place.


Let's make a conclusion. Most likely, such a service simply does not exist in nature, and if it does, it clearly does not meet the expectations that you place on it. That is why use high-quality paid services that provide a guaranteed boost of indicators with a mandatory guarantee of the declared result. Don't be fooled by dubious services that promise you amazing results for free.