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TOP 5 most beautiful streamer girls on twitch

Currently, there are stereotypes that only guys are addicted to games. However, they are completely wrong. And we will provide the doubters with direct evidence. We have collected 5 of the most beautiful girls who have been in twitch for many years. These cuties completely destroyed the stereotype that women should only have children and in the kitchen. If desired, any beauty can become an awesome gamer. Let's turn all our attention to our beauties who have devoted themselves to computer games.

Olga Saxon or olyashaa

The girl's nickname reads like Olyasha. And the streamer, I must say, fully corresponds to her cute nickname. She loves to dress up in the costume of her character during the stream. He also jokes a lot and amuses the audience. And this look? Yes, you can easily drown in it!

Tanya Shved or Gtfobae

Streamer that has a large audience. ... The girl became popular thanks to her skills in playing CS: GO. She quickly grew the audience and delights the audience with stylish looks. She loves to experiment with looks.


Karina became almost the first girl in a twitch environment to be hit by sudden popularity. After his emotional reaction to certain events in DOTA-2, a video with an overly emotional reaction of the beauty spread over the network. This attracted hundreds and thousands of viewers to Karina's channel. And the soft signet paws on Karina's hands have become her hallmark.


A charming girl from Moscow differs in that she actively communicates with her subscribers, broadcasts a cs go game that the beauty likes. Last year, the beauty was not as lucky as she is now. I must say that this year has become more successful for the girl. Now she gets about 50 thousand unique subscribers per day and pleases her viewers with regular streams and communication.


Russian beauty Natasha is not only charming. With her skill in playing counter-strike, she will give any representative of the stronger sex. This invariably causes a stormy delight among the audience and a lot of people gather at its broadcast. Unfortunately, this was not always the case. Only with the arrival of the pandemic did Natasha gain well-deserved popularity and subscribers began to come to her.

The streams where she plays with the stronger sex are gaining particular popularity. This breaks the stereotypes of many people.


Like GENSYXA, Dina has been streaming on Twitch for a long time, but it has only recently begun to gain popularity. This is largely due to the unique show formats that have no alternative on Twitch. For example, in the show "Streamlaw" streamers are trying to find a companion of the opposite sex, and the show "Streamer is not stupid" has become one of the most intelligent on the site.

The channel often hosts other interactive broadcasts with Dina's friends and viewers, which helps attract additional audiences. At the end of 2020, Dinablin entered the top 10 most popular streamers on Twitch worldwide, collecting several thousand people on streams.


The girl has been streaming for a long time, but popularity has come to her relatively recently. Currently, she is actively gaining popularity. Subscribers began to come to her very quickly during the period when everyone was at home. But her friends, for example, Dina, helped her to promote.


Since the age of 14, Dasha has been voicing anime, which eventually brought popularity to her Instagram page. In 2019, the girl decided to switch to Twitch, where in the broadcast format she manages to realize everything she planned. Anime remains one of the main topics of streams, but Dasha continues to develop and gathers a cozy community on broadcasts, which over time has grown to several thousand viewers at the same time.


The Russian-speaking Twitch star is barely 18 years old. She started the channel in 2019, and popularity came only in 2021. Nevertheless, her audience says that the peak popularity of the girl is ahead.

Currently, the number of streamer girls is growing. They are distinguished by their varied behavior on camera.

Someone is young and still shy. But there are streamers who are self-confident to the point of indecency. Everyone decides for himself which presenter to listen and watch.