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Trojan discovered in Google Play

In Google Play, a virus was discovered that lures money from customers. The fraudulent application was detected by Kaspersky Lab antivirus. The information appeared on the portal banki.ru It was said that Kaspersky Lab conducted experiments, during which a fake mailing list was found in one of the most popular messengers.

The newsletter contained information from the promotion, which is held in the social network, then the user was asked to click on the link to download the bonus card in Google Play. The card ended up being a fake, and the app had a paid subscription.

The application was running properly, the user saw the logo of the store and the offer to issue a bonus card, but by clicking on the "issue" button, the purchase was made. The buyer was deprived of a sum of money.

This virus could also change under the cards of other well-known brands and stores. Users of the social network could face twenty similar offers with different brands.

The subscription in the app cost about 600 rubles per week. At the moment, the damage from the Trojan is estimated at more than 6 million rubles.

Friends, be careful and attentive, currently on the Internet we are surrounded by a lot of scammers.