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Opportunities to earn money using telegrams

Currently, to earn money it is not at all necessary to go to an ordinary job from 8 to 20. You can also earn money remotely. For example, using mobile applications. So, in the application there are a lot of communities dedicated to a particular industry.

Do you work as a copywriter? Telegram has communities, chats on this topic. The main thing is to choose the most popular ones. This will increase the likelihood of getting the most profitable order.

Search for orders in Telegram Telegram

Let's take a look at the app from a freelance point of view. As you know, 90% of it takes the search for orders. Of course, there are also such remote workers who pass through the hands of customers using word of mouth. But such cases are unfortunately very rare. You probably have to have a lot of skill for this to happen. Here are the channels you should subscribe to for your job search:

Textodrom (https://t.me/textodromo) is a great channel where every copywriter is more likely to find a profitable partnership. Vacancies appear often, and therefore it makes sense to subscribe to this channel.

Copywriter, Editor - Remote Work (https://t.me/self_ma) This channel has a strict selection of candidates. Cooperation with all this rigor is quite profitable. Agencies, bureaus also publish their vacancies, offering work to everyone. Jobs are posted twice a day. Thanks to this, it is very convenient to follow the channel and not miss out on an advantageous offer.

Freelance in your pocket is a little-known channel that publishes about 3 vacancies per day. If you are not in dire need of work, then you can slowly search here. As practice has shown, it is possible to find several regular customers in a couple of months.

What kind of work should you not agree to in Telegram?

Unfortunately, there is not only legal work in telegrams. Here's what unscrupulous employers can offer you:

Distribution of prohibited substances.

Registration of loans in your own name.

Like and subscribe to social media accounts you are not interested in.

You should also not agree to a job where a specific salary and your responsibilities are not spelled out. This is most likely a deception. An honest employer has nothing to hide.

A small tip: to find a job, it is better to create a separate telegram account. This will help keep your personal account secure.