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Yappy - vues de triche, abonnés, likes

Yappy Vues [Démarrage lent | Vitesse la plus rapide | Débordement 0-20% | Garantie 90 jours]

Yappy Vues [Démarrage lent | Vitesse la plus rapide | Débordement 0-20% | Garantie 90 jours]
Refill: Yes | Cancel: Yes | Average time: 5-15 mins | Min:10 Max:100000000

EXEMPLE DE LIEN :*****Démarrage : 0-24 heuresVitesse : jusqu'à 1 000 par heureGarantie : 90 joursDrop : aucune dropOverflow : 0-20 %..

  • Самый дешевый
ID - 13799

1000 = 0.18€

Abonnés YAPPY[Live et actif | 0-10 par heure | 100-600/jour | Baissez 20% | Pas de recharge]

Abonnés YAPPY[Live et actif | 0-10 par heure | 100-600/jour | Baissez 20% | Pas de recharge]
Refill: Non | Cancel: Non | Average time: 31 day 20 hours for 1000 | Min:10 Max:600

EXEMPLE DE LIEN :*****Début : 1 à 10 heuresVitesse : 100 à 600 par jourÉcart 20%Garantie : Aucune garantie..

  • Рекомендуем
ID - 17687

1000 = 283.53€

YAPPY Likes [Démarrage moyen | Vitesse lente | Baisse de 20 % | Garantie 30 jours]

YAPPY Likes [Démarrage moyen | Vitesse lente | Baisse de 20 % | Garantie 30 jours]
Refill: Non | Cancel: Non | Average time: 3350 days 3 hours for 1000 | Min:10 Max:1000

EXEMPLE DE LIEN :*****Démarrage : 1 à 10 heuresVitesse : 1 000 par jourBaisse : 20 %Garantie : 30 jours..

ID - 13797

1000 = 16.07€

Visite de la salle YAPPY [0-10 par heure | 100-600/jour | Baisse de 20 % | Aucune garantie]

Visite de la salle YAPPY [0-10 par heure | 100-600/jour | Baisse de 20 % | Aucune garantie]
Refill: Non | Cancel: Non | Average time: 5-15 mins | Min:10 Max:200

EXEMPLE DE LIEN :*****Début : 1 à 10 heuresVitesse : 100 à 600 par jourÉcart 20%Garantie : Aucune garantie..

  • Рекомендуем
ID - 26345

1000 = 75.61€

Affichage 1 à 4 de 4 (1 Pages)

The social network "Yappy" is an analogue of Tick-Tok with a high potential for promoting projects of various formats. Yuppie allows you to create channels, upload small commercial and entertainment videos.

Taking into account the changes in the work of social networks and the Runet, the promotion of the channel on Yuppies makes sense. Since its foundation, the application has been installed by more than 1 million people and the audience continues to grow. But, to attract the attention of users, you need to create sticky content and have a basic audience. Let's discuss why this is important and what you should know about the Yuppie social network.
The secret of popularity in Yappy

New projects are harder to promote because users are reluctant to subscribe to them. No mass audience? This means that the channel is not of interest, even if the project creates useful content.

To promote new projects, it is desirable to attract a hyped audience, which will create the right image. In addition, it is necessary:

* know your target audience;

* prepare a content plan;

* analyze data and see what is effective and what is not.

Using an integrated approach will allow you to achieve your goals much faster.
How does the promotion of Yappy subscribers work?

You are creating a new channel that does not have its own audience. To attract attention to it, fulfill the requirements of the system, and enable monetization, you need a certain number of subscribers. New people sign up reluctantly, and this makes it difficult to achieve goals.

Cheating subscribers allows you to increase your audience without blocking your profile and accelerate the achievement of your goals. The advantages of cheating include:

* meeting system requirements and entering monetization;

* creating a base audience that will help increase organic traffic;

* increase loyalty to the project;

* increased profitability.

The audience is growing according to your request. You can take as many people as you need for the project. These are not bots. The team works by legal methods, which avoids blocking channels.

Now the Yuppie network is just beginning to attract the attention of businesses and bloggers. If you promote your project on the site now, you will have the opportunity to bypass many competitors and occupy your niche. Do you have any questions or suggestions? Contact us or apply for a cheat.
