All news for 2023
Greetings to all, there has been no news for a long time, we are correcting ourselves.
During this time, there have been many updates on our service, now I will try to list them all.
1. The first and most important thing for your benefit... I strongly recommend that you make purchases after registering on the site and replenishing your balance.
There is easy authorization via Google, Yandex and trims. After registration, you will have access to a quick order without going to the cart and a variety of bonuses, discounts (5% cashback points and up to 7% per turnover per month).
Of course, we will not cancel the guest order.
2. We have completely updated our Twitch section.
They introduced different GEO (unique), introduced different retention (unique, how much the viewer watches the stream).
A variety of new services have been introduced - followers during the stream, raids.
We introduced different levels of live communication on the twitch stream.
Chatbots have started working.
The option to choose a pause has been introduced.
3. Updated the YouTube section.
We introduced high-quality viewers up to 180 viewers. This is a new inexpensive section. There will be constant discounts on it.
We will update our 300+ viewers soon. The possibility of choosing a pause and floating viewers has been introduced.
4. Expanded the list of payment systems.
5. Updated the personal account, added more information.
6. Prices have been reduced for all sections of the site: TikTok, Telegram, Discord, Instagram and others.
Plans for 2024:
To introduce a test and one-time order for new customers. previously, this system was abused. They came up with a defense.
We will conduct regular sweepstakes in our tg channel and tg group.
We will reduce the prices for twitch raids and make the authorized viewers of trovo more stable.
We will make YouTube viewers 300+ even more affordable and stable. They will generate retention and views.
For the twitch, we will make reactions on the stream.
Development of the order control panel. Start, stop, decrease and increase the number of viewers.
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