

В этом разделе мы собрали для Вас все ответы на самые популярные вопросы. Как запустить заказ, как попасть в рекомендованные, сколько нужно зрителей и т.д.
In this section we have collected for you all the answers to the most popular questions. How to launch an order, how to get into the recommended ones, how many viewers are needed, etc.
The formula will be:
Quantity: 100
( Total orders to be sent): 7
(Break between each run, In minutes): 1440

As result, an Order of 100 Quantity, will be sent every 1440 minutes (24 hours), 7 times total.
This means You will get a total of 700 Visits in 7 Days. 100 Visits per day.
*quantity in cart(automated) = 700

The order launch time is from 1 to 10 minutes, to speed up the launch, you can write to the chat on the website or on the Whats App +79167217077

How could I start a purchased monthly package?

0. Autorun
1. Write to the chat on the site

Select the desired tariff and put it in the shopping cart. The site is made on the principle of the market.

This is a paid subscribers, give a donation.

If you take cheap fares with a large spread, viewers can vary +-30%, there are expensive fares with a 5% discrepancy.

Check in the chat, because, most likely, there was a failure. But keep in mind that after the launch, the authorized ones appear after 5 minutes.

Viewers that are displayed in the chat

It is not always possible, because it depends on many factors

Our bots are registered as correctly as possible by the account name. Some of them are with the avatars.

File .txt - 1 phrase per 1 line

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On Twitch - remove the chat for followers; on YouTube - remove the chat only for sponsors.

This means that your purchased tariff is subject to restoration within a certain time (write-off of subscribers / likes /views)

All options. From bank cards to PayPal and SMS

Register, top up your balance with points.

Fill in the points window

In the payment methods, choose the first method - free payment.

5% from each tariff. If you are registered, there are coupons in your personal account and there is a loyalty system for the amount of purchases per month.

Each tariff performs its own specific function. On the website you can find what you need or consult in the chat

Each streaming platform or social network updates its algorithms, thereby writing off subscribers/likes/views. Order services with a guarantee so that when you write off, we will make a recovery for you. Also, services with a guarantee have a much smaller chance of unsubscribing. Contact the chat with a request for recovery, prepare statistics in advance

In your browser, there will be a link in the search bar at the top

In the "broadcast management" menu, you can disable the chat rules by clicking on the "chat settings" gear

To begin with, you should look at the average order completion time (most often it is written in the product description), if you have not found the information you need, ask in the tech support chat

This is the internal currency of our service, which is used to pay for services (points are on the balance of your personal account). 1 point = 1 ruble

Most likely you have violated the rules of the site, contact the technical support of your streaming platform.

Our warranty is 1 year. They are usually active for at least 5 years.

More likely yes than no. The spread can be 10%-50% (if the Twitch is raging with updates)

On Twitch, the algorithms change every day, and YouTube is not far behind. There are force majeure on servers (1 time a year).

Support is stable. People are alive there. Not bots=)

How do I start an order if a stream has turned off?

1. Write to the chat on the site
2. Feedback -
3. Whats App +79167217077
4. Order a launch through the shopping cart -

Should you order a boost? Yes, you should. Our online rating is taken into account when ranking your stream. You will be taken to the games, search and recommendations section.

How to get to the top?

YOUTUBE: viewers (bots) from the CIS + Name, description + competent tags. Gives traffic from search + recommendations. Viewers should be turned from 10 to 1000 (what game? who's streaming? Need more than the top 5)

Go to the games section and see how many people have online. Order the same amount or more.

Twitch: the audience with the CIS + bytes the name of the video. We need as many viewers as possible. More than the competition.

Through special goods -

Or write to us in the chat or Whatsapp

The answer is simple-POPULAR! For the year 2020 here is the list:


2. CS GO



5. DOTA2

6. Any RPG (Assassin, Witcher, etc.)

7. Any mobile games (if desired) - a lot of viewers! Donates 0.

So, for what reasons can you be removed or not thrown into the recommended ones? Youtube believes that your stream is not interesting, so revive the chat, change both - the game and the name (use words in the name that are used by competing streamers) or order.

Stream was thrown out of the search or game section? The section is sometimes thrown out for 1-7 days. Nothing helps. Change the channel to a spare one. Temporarily.

If the stream was thrown out of the search, then it goes very long. 3+ days. Restart the stream.

To promote the channel, we recommend purchasing several services. If you have a channel for streams, then you need viewers, likes and chatbots.
If you're promoting a video, you need to buy views, likes, and comments. For every 1000 views, you need to buy 50-100 likes. Ready-made packages are presented on the website.

Setting up the OBS takes place in Discord or Skype, Seo setting - 1 day, SEO links from 2 to 10 days.

This is the currency of Twitch, donuts.

There are rates with views Small rates do not give views.

Views are received within 1-12 hours.
Likes - from 10 minutes to 6 hours.
Subscribers - at a rate of 50-150 per day.

You need to keep an interesting stream, order SEO, streaming or shoot videos on current topics. To order the entire set, including chat bots.

Yes, we do. There is any country in the world.

After the end of the stream, viewers remain in analytics

No, the cheat is suitable for any channel. Ban for 18+, insults and deception of their viewers, for example, not to give a gift.

Yes, we have, but we do not disclose links to channels.

Your channel can be not recommended by YouTube because it is still young. Youtube has the concept of a channel's "trust" or trust. Strikes, low age, removal of stupid video content - that's not your way.

These are different levels of support for streamers from Twitch, for more information, see the Twitch website.

Affiliate program means that we guarantee 75+ viewers.

There are both live and bots. Clear it in the chat or the corresponding section of the site.

So that the stream occupies the top in the section, search and more often recommended.